Assessment and Planning Tool Set to Identify Market Opportunities for Domestic Farm-raised Finfish and Shellfish

May 13th, 2024 from 2:00 PM Eastern

Seafood consumption is growing, and more Americans are demanding locally sourced foods. Recent studies demonstrate that consumers are accepting of farm-raised seafood and will pay a premium if produced responsibly with sustainable certifications or produced locally. Domestic aquaculture production can meet this growing demand for seafood, provide consumers with more diver, locally produced offerings, and reduce reliance on imports. This publicly available, interactive planning tool set was created by Atlantic Corporation to provide critical market data for stakeholders across the aquaculture industry to make informed decisions about the most profitable species to grow, optimal crop size, and consumer demographics and market segments to target.

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Corinne Noufi
Aquaculture Communications Specialist, University of Maine’s Aquaculture Research Institute (ARI). 
Ms. Noufi’s role at ARI encompasses developing a wide range of outreach materials including podcasts, presentations, press releases, newsletters, and annual reports. Her work also involves creating and nurturing relationships with academic institutions, industry stakeholders, and the Maine aquaculture sector. She is instrumental in mentoring undergraduate students in science communication projects, developing workshops, chairing panel discussions for conferences, and contributing to grant writing to support sustainable aquaculture development in Maine. 

Tricia Labbe, Atlantic Corporation, Research Manager. Ms. Labbe has conducted business and economic research for Atlantic clients, including federal and state government departments and cohorts of USDA and NOAA SBIR Phase I and Phase II awardees. She supervises a talented group of writers in the submission of federal grant applications and reports. She has worked on two recent AFRI and SRGP projects for Atlantic. Her professional experience includes eight years providing outreach for and leading research conferences throughout the U.S. and United Kingdom. 

Ray Bernier, Atlantic Corporation, Vice President of Operations. Mr. Bernier has served as Atlantic’s Data and Research or Project Manager on several organic food, agriculture, and aquaculture initiatives—directing several major Atlantic and client R&D projects. He has also served as PD and Co-PD on numerous USDA-funded projected in the AFRI, SBIR, and Acer Access and Development programs. Mr. Bernier has extensive experience managing government grants, including the supervision of $14M in grants and contracts for the State of Maine. In addition, he has significant experience in designing and executing data management solutions, research reports, and evaluation plans.