2024 Extension Skills
An Extension Foundation Professional Development series

Each second Thursday of the month, the Impact Collaborative's Extension Skills series will provide an opportunity for Cooperative Extension professionals to build capacity with tools, processes and tech skills training. This series is available to Extension Foundation Members Only. Find out if your institution is an Extension Foundation member at extension.org/members

Extension Skills session topics have been informed by the Extension Foundation Needs Assessment completed in the Summer of 2023. The three themes this year- Telling Our Story, Community Engagement and Finding/Securing Funding were among the top needs expressed across Extension professionals from 1862, 1890 and 1994 institutions. Find past Extension Skill workshops on our Video Resource Library, also linked in the schedule.

2024 Schedule

January 11 Telling Our Story: Creating a Digital Strategy- Data vs. Gut
February 8 Enhancing our Extension Story through Social Media strategy Targeting Diverse Audiences
March 14 Telling Our Story: Visualizations in Effective Storytelling
April 11 Telling Our Story: Communicating with Local Officials
May 9 Community Engagement for Economic Wellbeing
June 13 Engaging Immigrant and Refugee Audiences 
July 11 Community Engagement: Intro to Motivational Interviewing 
August 8 Community Engagement: Strategies to Improve Engagement
Sept 12 Diversifying your Funding Sources
October 10 Planning for Giving Tuesday!
November 14 Creative Funding Opportunities 
December 12 Creating Compelling Proposals  

August Extension Skills: Using Actor Mapping to Understand and Improve your Program’s Community Engagement Efforts
August 8th, 2024 2:00 - 300 PM ET 

When making program decisions, whose perspectives and expertise should be included? How do you know if you’re aligned with community needs, or if there are partnerships that could strengthen your efforts? Actor mapping is a method that was developed for systems change work to visualize the context, connections, patterns, and perspectives that influence a system. It is a useful tool for visualizing community engagement efforts and depicting key individuals and organizations. Actor maps allow you to critically reflect on past efforts, identify new partners to engage, and track progress. This is a particularly useful tool for Extension professionals, who are often doing the challenging but essential work of acting as a ‘community convener,’ bringing together partners across diverse sectors to leverage their unique assets and work to address issues. 

In this interactive workshop, participants will learn what actor mapping is, when to use it, and why it is a valuable tool for Extension professionals. The presenters will also share case studies of previous actor mapping processes and how they were used by community partners. Participants will then have the opportunity to walk through the step-by-step process of developing an actor map and will receive resources to conduct their own collaborative actor mapping process with their team.

Hosted by:  The Community Research, Evaluation & Development (CRED) team University of Arizona Extension
The Community Research, Evaluation & Development (CRED) team, based in the Norton School of Human Ecology at the University of Arizona, conducts high-quality, culturally responsive, community-based research and evaluation that promotes the health and well-being of families and individuals throughout the Southwest. For years, CRED has been committed to working on the ground with partners across Arizona, including University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, state and local governments, tribes, justice systems, schools, and non-profit agencies. CRED brings together faculty, staff, and students with expertise in evaluation, research design, data analysis and visualization, and community engagement, with the goal of generating accessible, actionable information that community partners can use to support their program and policy decision-making. 










Register for Extension Skills Here: